Day 201: Seven.TwentyFive.13

Ask me how I know the world will be alright.

With all of the hate and injustice and war and sadness that surrounds us.

Ask me, and I will tell you it is because I saw this movie.

Fly By Light

Fly By Light, a film by One Common Unity, literally changed the lives of fourteen Washington, DC teenagers. And also, it is fair to say, the lives of the adults who created the movie with them.

I’ve worked in schools. With young people. I have seen outreach programs, and outdoor education programs, and conflict resolution programs. Some good, some terribly not so good.

And I can say, without a doubt, that this – this is the real thing. That these people, and now this movie, are making the world a better place. This is what lasting change looks and feels like. One person at a time.

Because at the end of the day, there is no magic potion or sum of money or Hollywood ending that makes it so. No. This is the real thing because each and every one of the contributors of the movie offered respect and love and compassion and belief – belief that these young people are worthy. That, my friends, is where the true magic lies. We don’t always have the right answers, but we always have what’s in our hearts. And that is enough. This movie is proof that it is enough.

I don’t want to give it all away. I want you to see it, and be moved by it.

But I will say that to see not only the transformation on screen, but also in person as these brave young people shared their stories, their lives, with us – this was an incredible thing.

Also, I should note – I am definitely not a thug (not that this was ever really in question) because I certainly shed more than a single tear while watching the movie. (If you’ve seen it, that will make sense. Otherwise, just take my word for it…)


Ask me how I know the world will be alright, and I will tell you to see Fly By Light.

And then you, too, will know.

Here’s to another day of creativity…

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